Thursday, October 29, 2015

Class 1

Entrepreneurship is the recognition of unmet needs in society and a plan to capitalize on the opportunity that need creates.  In daily life this translates to being curious about why systems operate in the manner that they do. From this understanding variables/product offering can be adjusted such that changes in behavior can be observed. From this fast feedback a product/service that delights consumers can be constructed.


Tom Davidson Co-Founder & CEO of EVERFI: He is a graduate of Bowdoin College and was a Main politician prior to starting EVERFI. EVERFI seeks to disrupt the K-12 education space.

Brilliantly Tom finds the social entrepreneur label reductive. Tom realized that financial institutions had a statutory obligation to educate communities about financial literacy. In this way a third party payer would provide funding to help k-12 students. EVERFI succeeds by conforming to fit existing educational mandates and by providing top notch, interactive, tailored, digital learning tools.


One of the key rolls the city plays in the life of its citizens is providing education. A significant number of children fail out of this system. Cities/government are left with underemployed unskilled citizens. This cycle of failure has perpetuated in the modern era. The status quo sees failed students (mostly male) become wards of the state as inmates. This is morally wrong and disastrously expensive. EVERFI can tailor a curriculum using advanced software that stretches each individual to his or her full potential.